Make the most of your time, plan ahead, make a budget and soak up the culture-these are the four basic tenants of my travel philosophy.
Make the Most of Your Time

I’m not one to base my next trip off of flight deals or trendy destinations. I research where I want to go months in advance and make detailed notes to compile an itinerary that encompasses my interests and tries to maximize my time. I operate from the perspective that there are so many wonderful and awesome places to see in the world that this my very well be the only time I’ll ever set foot in this location.
Travel Philosophy-Plan Ahead

My next travel tenant is to plan ahead. For international travel, I use Rick Steves’ travel guides and absolutely love them. For domestic destinations, I use websites, word of mouth and even Pinterest to help build an itinerary. I find restaurants in advance, figure out how and know where to buy train tickets. Scoping out hours/location and having tickets in hand for attractions and museums is vital. I also like to research special events that will be happening in the cities we’re visiting prior to arrival. That said, itineraries are flexible. If we pass by what looks like a great restaurant during the day, we may skip what’s on the itinerary and come back for dinner. For me, the itinerary planning part is almost as fun as taking the actual trip.
Travel Philosophy-Soak up the Culture

I don’t travel so that I can do the same things I would have done if I had stayed home. If it’s customary to wear a dirndl dress and lederhosen to Oktoberfest, then that’s what we wear. We try all the local foods and drinks, even if it’s not something we’d eat at home. If squid is a local favorite dish, order it. You might be surprised.
This same mind set holds true when it comes to tourist attractions. You don’t visit Paris and not climb the Eiffel Tower. Yes, it’s touristy and yes you may have to wait in line or get in queue months in advance for tickets, but the things that made the destination popular shouldn’t be shied away from. The first time I laid eyes on the Colosseum in person, I was floored. I agree that it’s also important to get off the beaten path a time or two, but I wouldn’t do it at the expense of missing the major sights.
Travel Philosophy-Budget

The final tenant of my travel philosophy is make and stick to a budget. Before any tickets or reservations are made, I look into costs of flights, hotels and attractions and map out an anticipated total trip cost. Working from that estimated cost, outline how you’ll save for the trip It’s a great feeling to board a plane having already paid for the majority of the trip’s expenses.
That said, it’s important to budget for what I call soft costs. Soft costs are things like local rail tickets, meals and snacks, entrance fees and souvenirs. Typically, these are the costs that can’t be paid in advance. Be sure to plan for these costs in your budget planning so you’re not surprised while on your trip.